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"One Tired American - Best Mushroom Soup"

A review of Red Coat Cafe At Edinburgh Castle Cafe by Debbie Napier written on Sunday 3rd of August 2008


In April, 2008, I had an opportunity to visit Edinburgh Castle. I was very tired and not feeling very well. So as I dragged myself up the hill from Princes Street Garden I was thinking of a cup of tea at the Castle as my reward. To my surprise I had one of the best lunches I have had anywhere when the cook wafted the aroma of their delicious Mushroom Soup towards me. I had to have a bowl and I don't like Mushroom Soup! It wasn't like any I have ever seen before, it was broth-based and very savory. I managed to get around the rest of the castle that afternoon on that bowl of soup, a miracle in itself considering how I was feeling so I think their soup is a cure-all. I was in the middle of eating it when the one o'clock gun went off right behind my head. My travelling companions said I didn't even flinch! I highly recommend it.!.

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Red Coat Cafe At Edinburgh Castle Cafe

Map showing Red Coat Cafe At Edinburgh Castle Cafe on Castlehill