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"I want to thank everybody at the Jewel Edinburgh"

A review of Asda by Pamela Tracey written on Monday 4th of October 2010


Hi my name is Pam Tracey I want to take this opertunity to thank all the staff from managers down for the lovely welcome you give myself and my working dog Jak. I live in the Cameron toll area and being realistic sainsburys is my local supermarket, but to say I hate the store would be an understatement,the staff are cold and it is very un welcoming atmosphere. When I come to the Jewel the staff are all so lovely they greet myself and Jak with a smile ,they are so helpful,it makes it a pleasure to shop there and I intend to do so for as long as im able. One member of staff is well known to Jak and he loves her to speak to him ,I only know her as Morag, he can spot her no matter where she is in the shop, sometimes I worry she may get in trouble as they both enjoy seeing each other, lots of customers speak to Jak to he is a lovely dog and I can assure you all he will not do any damage in the store.I dont think I can say anything else really just thankyou all so much for your ,kindness, helpfulness, and thoughtfulness, I have not seen one member of staff who has not been willing to help myself or other customers. CONGRATULATIONS to you all.


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Map showing Asda on The Jewel