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"I have just finished my third treatment with Helen and I feel I'm back to normal"

A review of Helen How by Sylvia written on Sunday 9th of February 2014


I had terrible pains in my right leg which was the result of an inflammation of the trochanteric bursitis. I have also had arthritis in my knee for the last twelve or so years which my GP reckon was the initial cause of the problem. And not to mention a bit of ware and tare going on with my spine which was picked up on a previous X-ray several months before when I was complaining about a bit of back pain. I work as a Chef therefore ware and tare is to be expected.

When this excruciating pain began I immediately went to a local GP who gave me 'heavy duty' pain-killers said it was probably sciatica. This went on for around 2 weeks and several visits to the doctors at which point I was getting pretty fed up so thought about trying a chiropractor to try and speed up the healing process because I wanted to get back to work.

I did an online search and had spotted all the glowing reviews for Helen How, unfortunately she was fully booked as it was the week before. Christmas which was understandable. I called another in Edinburgh and got an appointment straight away! He did all the joint and muscle manipulation stuff and to be honest as I was feeling pretty sore anyway this was not what I was needing.

I had started back to work on the 3rd of January even though I was still pretty sore. I had to walk around 300- 400 yards from the car park to get to work and had to stop twice on route because of the cramping pains in my leg.

I called Helen How's clinic again on the off chance there might be a free appointment and there was. The treatment was completly different from what I had experienced before. She used ultra sound and electro therapy which is completely painless. She fully explained what was happening and what she was doing. And made me feel quite at ease.

After my first appointment on the Saturday the next day I did a full 7 hour shift on my feet which was the first time I had managed this in over a month.

I had another treatment two weeks later and then the final one two weeks after that. So yes I would definitely recommend Helen How.


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Map showing Helen How on Craighall Gardens