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"I Was Ryan's Replacement At In-Touch!!!"

A review of In-Touch Furnishings by Martin Zdrodowski written on Friday 2nd of November 2007


The products sold here and people that manage this shop are absolutely second to none. The review by Ryan Morris is laughable. I KNOW that Ryan was sacked as HE WAS THE ONE THAT WAS NEVER ON TIME, punctuality was a major problem for him as he was probably out partying until late at night. He sometimes used to turn up after mid-day, fabricating excuses that he was ill and/or that he had personal issues. They let him off at least a dozen times, but in the interest of business needs, he was eventually sacked. I was Ryan's full-time replacement at this shop. They were generous people and hired me even though I did not have proper command of the English language then, as I had just arrived from Poland. I bet you with Ryan's attitude he is probably still jobless. I eventually quit this job as I was planning on studying at Dundee. Haven't got a bad word to say about any of the managers. The only thing I can suggest about Ryan Morris is that the saying ‘A bad workman always blames his tools’ fits him perfectly..

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In-Touch Furnishings

Map showing In-Touch Furnishings on South Clerk Street